In Jenny's blog, she discusses the controversy surrounding smoking in public places. She cites two articles presenting either a side for or against banning smoking in public spaces.
A forum for discussing life sciences.
While Joe and I try to maintain a certain level of “whole” foods in our home, I can certainly see how living in a society that devalues taking time for food can lead to increased use of processed foods. Over the last couple of months, when my schedule exploded, suddenly frozen pizzas, and granola bars started taking over the freezer and cabinet space in my house. We try to avoid this situation by making lots of whatever we’re cooking so we can have leftovers, but even these sack lunches and dinner are usually eaten on the run between classes and rehearsal breaks.
There has been a recent backlash against this frenzied approach to food. Referring to itself as “Slow Food,” this movement is the antithesis of fast food – from McDonald’s to frozen pizza, and then some. Pollan and the Slow Food movement call on us to be responsible about what we eat, but also to take time to thoroughly enjoy what we eat as well. While I love the idea of taking time for food in theory, I’m not sure how well it would work in practice. Between a full course load, 3 part-time jobs, and a show, right now I’m not sure I have the luxury….
*photo from reporting 1 blog